

So I had this head I sculpted in mudbox some months back. The project I’d planned for it never reached fruition but I still wanted to use it and somehow got it in my head to do an evangelion fanart, even though I last watched it many years ago. Guess I figured it’d be easy – short hairstyle, form fitting outfit, no cloth, glossy, etc… well, I learned some lessons the hard way about topology and UV layout while trying to get my mudbox mojo on and it ended up taking me maybe a week longer than I’d planned. Basically ended up sculpting and texturing the plug suit twice. But overall it was a good experience, learned a lot of new things and tried a bunch of new techniques out. Initially I was thinking of playing more with lighting and adding more background stuff but Diablo III is out in three days so I figured I’d better wrap it up before it gathers dust in my project folder for another half a year.

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